He also continued his ministry as an assistant pastor of the First Baptist Church. Armstrong began his professional career on July 28, 1931, in a fight with Al Iovino, in which Armstrong was knocked out in three rounds. . // -->. During his final years, Armstrong suffered from numerous illnesses, including cataracts and dementia, commonly attributed to the punishment he took as a boxer. His last professional fight was a non-title rematch against Chester Slider at 32 years of age, on February 14, 1945. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Despite almost blacking out in the 15th round, Armstrong won a split decision to make history. Armstrong was the only boxer to hold world titles in three different weight divisions simultaneously, and all three titles were . He was a Black boxer. Henry Armstrong, born Henry Jackson, decided to become a boxer after reading in a St. Louis newspaper that Kid Chocolate had beaten Al Singer at the Polo Grounds in New York, and was paid a purse of $75,000.At the "colored" YMCA on Pine Street in St. Louis, he met an older fighter named Harry Armstrong, who became his friend, mentor, and trainer. was a high pressure, non-stop fighter who threw punches from 60% MARRIED 60% of these people are married, and 40% are single. He made $35 for his pro debut, and was knocked out in three rounds. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy. 100% CAUCASIAN Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Caucasian. ESPN ranked Armstrong as number 3 on their list of the 50 greatest boxers of all time. Definitely one of the goals I had in mind, so itll be a good time, to bring everybody out.. His outstanding ring record was 151 wins, 21 defeats, and 9 draws with 101 knockouts. One of the greatest fighters in history, Hurricane Hank is the only fighter to hold 3 world Championships simultaneously. He decided not to maintain the required 126-pound weight anymore and left the featherweight crown vacant.[12]. He defeated Sarron via 6th round KO to become the featherweight champion of the world. Ross was favored by odds makers three to one over Armstrong; however, when the two met in Long Island City on May 31, 1938, Armstrong won convincingly on points in 15 rounds, earning his second title, Welterweight Champion of the World. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Henry Armstrong (1912-1988) became the first boxer in history to hold world titles in three separate weight classes at the same time. He finally did beat Zivic, by decision in 1942, but Zivic was no longer champ. Armstrong made his professional boxing debut at the age of 18 on July 27, 1931. Henry passed away in March 1981, at age 94. Full Q\u0026A episode here: https://youtu.be/KULHRj7H9l0**** Teddy's Audiobook Now Available. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. His mother died a year later, and he was raised by his grandmother. [3] He was posthumously inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in the inaugural class of 1990. While attending Toussaint L'Ouverture Grammar School in St. Louis, Armstrong acquired the nickname "Red" due to his curly sandy hair with a reddish tint. Garcia was recognized as champion only by New York and California. Birth 22 Sep 1768 . The Greatest Boxer of All Time - Henry Armstrong, Says Teddy Atlas - Here's Why He's The GOAT THE FIGHT with Teddy Atlas 280K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 74K views 2 years ago. On file we have 73 email addresses and 55 phone numbers associated with Henry in area codes such as 757, 941, 401, 609, 314, and 32 other area codes. Twenty-six of the bouts were ended by a knockout, including that of Sarron in their 126-pound fight. Death 9 Feb 1870 - null. edited by Melanie Parry, Larousse Kingfisher Chambers Inc., 1997. After 152 victories in 14 years, Armstrong retired in 1945. Unknown +6.3 lbs Henry held three world titles - Welterweight, When Sims won the title in 20, he was the first Mississippi boxer to hold a title in more than 30 years, according to his coach, Bombay Higginbottom. March 16, 1939: Armstrong successfully defends the NBA and The Ring lightweight titles against Lew Feldman, winning the fight via 1st round KO. Later a fellow member of the three division champions' club, Ross was then World Welterweight Champion. Home; . [4] In 2019, the International Boxing Research Organization (IBRO) ranked him as the second best boxer of all time, pound for pound, as well as the second-best featherweight, third-best welterweight, and fifth-best lightweight of all time.[5][6][7][8]. You may want to start by searching for a person's Military Service Records and Pension and Bounty Land records. Garcia was 32 years old with a record of 101-24-12 (60 KOs). Having competed as a featherweight at 126 pounds, Armstrong had to increase his weight to 138 pounds in order to qualify to fight in the welterweight division. After his death, his heart was found to be one-third larger than average. if (document.images) { 1913-1998 var navcontributecold = new Image(); Determined to enter a title fight, Armstrong boldly offered to challenge welterweight champion Barney Ross. Reading that a boxer named Kid Chocolate received $75,000 for one bout, Armstrong quickly abandoned his railroad job to pursue a career as a boxer. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Guinness World Records Kids (opens in a new window), GWR Merchandise Store (opens in a new window), Corporate Social Responsibility activities & fundraising ideas, Community engagement & tourism marketing activities. Birth abt 1887 - Iron Bridge, Shropshire, England. He first won the featherweight (126-pound) title by knocking out Petey Sarron in six rounds on October 29, 1937. RECORD. Fighting true to form, Armstrong applied pressure throughout the bout. . By the time Armstrong graduated from high school at the age of 17, the Great Depression had arrived. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Early in his career, he boxed under Melody Jackson. Henry J Armstrong is thirty-eight. He first set his sights on the lightweight division, but his challenge to a title fight was declined by lightweight titleholder Lou Ambers. To pursue his third title, Armstrong dropped back a weight class to compete as a lightweight. See an An Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military . [10] Armstrong was given his first world title fight, for the title in the 126-pound weight class against World Featherweight Champion Petey Sarron at Madison Square Garden. However, he successfully defended his two other titles 12 times during 1939. Ill prepared and undernourished, Armstrong lost his first professional fight by a knockout. Davis, who has been training at the Pearl Boxing Club, is undefeated so far in his professional career at 4-0, with four knockouts. Intelligent and articulate, he turned to preaching and was ordained a Baptist minister in 1951. In 1938 with 14 consecutive wins, 10 by knockout, Armstrong achieved his goal, becoming the first boxer to Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Armstrong knocked Sarron out in six rounds, becoming the World Featherweight Champion. } We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy. var navclassicover = new Image(); Fritzie Zivic, a veteran journeyman best known for questionable tactics, worked Armstrong's eyes, which were scarred and vulnerable to cutting, and took a unanimous decision. During the final years of the 1940s he traveled to China, Burma, and India with Raft as part of a group sent to entertain soldiers. Here he gained his first boxing experience, winning a competition among the pinboys. The next year was an incredible one for Armstrong as he fought 27 times -- and won all of them. He officially turned pro a year later after failing to make the 1932 Olympic team, and he lost his first two fights, both four-round decisions in Los Angeles in 1932. Armstrong starred in the feature film Keep Punching (1939) in 1939. He was 27-0 with 26 knockouts in 1937, 14-0 with 10 knockouts in 1938, and 59-1-1 with 51 knockouts from December 1936 to October 1940. For all the details about Armstrong's world title wins and defenses refer to "Henry Armstrong World Titles". Encyclopedia.com. Armstrong, at 133+12 pounds, beat Ross, at 142 pounds, by unanimous decision, adding the World Welterweight Championship to his belt. [11], In 1937 alone, Armstrong went 270 (26KO). Armstrong knocked out 100 of his 183 opponents. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame (IBHOF) in 1990. Aldo Spoldi was the only opponent to take him the full 10 rounds. navclassiccold.src = "/i/sportscentury/nav_classic_cold.gif"; Make sure to follow us on Twitter for updates and announcements. In 1943, Armstrong lost a 10-round decision to an up-and-coming Sugar Ray Robinson, who had idolized the three-division champion. . October 29, 1937: Armstrong wins his first world titles by defeating Petey Sarron via 6th round KO. On March 1, 1940, in Los Angeles, Armstrong sought to become the first-ever four-division champion when he attempted to wrest the middleweight crown from Ceferino Garcia, whom he had decisioned in a welterweight defense in 1938. It began in 1964 when he won the Olym, Moore, Archie After several more amateur fights, Armstrong moved to Pittsburgh to pursue a professional career. He also wrote the autobiographical God, Gloves, and Glory (1956). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Henry Armstrong was born on August 31 1886. a bowling alley. After retiring from boxing in 1946, Armstrong briefly opened a Harlem nightclub, the Melody Room (named after his first nickname). Comments below may relate to previous holders of this record. Mother Ellen Lawrance. Mead was suspended 13 months after accusing commissioner Bill Brown of favoring Ambers. Please be sure to subscribe! Over the course of his career, Armstrong earned more than $1 million. However, the fight was so brutal that Armstrong blacked out at the end and could later recall very little of what happened. When Ross demanded the full amount as publicized, entertainer George Raft put up the additional funds and became the third member of Armstrong's management team. Henry Armstrong, the only boxer ever to hold three world titles simultaneously, died of heart failure yesterday in Los Angeles after a lengthy series of illnesses. His final professional record stood at 174 recorded bouts, 145 wins with 98 by knockout. His mother, America, was half-Cherokee Indian. He was stopped two times and lost 20 times via decision. with 10 knockouts; From December, 1936 until September, 1940, Henry Armstrong's mother died of consumption in 1918, leaving the six-year-old under the care of his paternal grandmother. It is a testament to Sugar Ray Robinsons greatness as a boxer that when people discuss who was the, Sugar Ray Robinson His first title came in 1937 when he wrested the Featherweight Championship from Petey Sarron via 6th round. He also wrote the autobiographical God, Gloves, and Glory (1956). Henry Armstrong is recognized by boxing historians as one of the greatest fighters. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu. What makes a Guinness World Records title? While he was certainly a formidable boxer, he hadn't yet established himself as one of the all-time greats. How do we create a person's profile? Ambers opened a cut on Armstrong's lower lip, and Armstrong, afraid the referee would stop the fight, swallowed the blood throughout the fight and succeeded in winning on points. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because the purses were small, Armstrong fought often, usually at least 12 times a year, and supplemented his income by operating a shoe shine stand from 1931 to 1934. His mother, America (Armstrong) Jackson was an Iroquois Indian. After retiring from boxing, Armstrong became an ordained Baptist minister, working with disadvantaged youth. Career record 151-21-9 with 101 knockouts (Third All-Time behind Archie Moore & Sugar Ray Robinson) He also taught young fighters how to box. Manage Settings The final title bout of his career was a failed attempt to regain the lightweight title in a rematch with Zivic on January 17, 1941. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. But there was a sensitive side, too, as he showed at his high school graduation when he read an original poem. However, upon his retirement he found the vast majority of his money had been lost to bad investments, management fees, and extravagant spending habits. In 1932, Armstrong moved to Los Angeles, where he lost two four-round decisions in a row to Eddie Trujillo and Al Greenfield. Standing five feet five and one half inches tall, Armstrong fought in the featherweight class. But the tides turned later in the year when he won against former flyweight champion Midget Wolgast. Armstrong's streak of 27 knockout wins in a row qualifies as one of the longest knockout win streaks in the history of boxing, according to The Ring magazine. He was born in Columbus, Mississippi on December 12, 1912. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. . Of 26 title fights, Armstrong won all but four (three losses and a draw). Use Link to Listen with 30-Day Audible Free Trial: http://bit.ly/ATLASaudiobook. Professional boxer He was managed by Wirt Ross, Eddie Mead, jazz singer Al Jolson and Hollywood actor George Raft. Seven months later, a fading Armstrong finally lost his welterweight title after the 19 successful defenses, including six in 1940. Henry Armstrong had a total of 22 losses in his professional boxing career three of them in title bouts and 19 in non-title bouts. Continue with Recommended Cookies, The most consecutive boxing world welterweight title defences is 18 by Henry Armstrong (USA) from 25 November 1938 to 23 September 1940.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'guinnessworldrecords_com-box-3','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guinnessworldrecords_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'guinnessworldrecords_com-box-3','ezslot_3',108,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guinnessworldrecords_com-box-3-0_1');.box-3-multi-108{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding-bottom:20px!important;padding-top:20px!important;text-align:center!important}. Henry Jackson was born in Columbus, MS. Henry W. Armstrong (July 22, 1879 - February 28, 1951) was an American boxer, booking agent, producer, singer, pianist, and Tin Pan Alley composer. worldCharley Rose ranked Armstrong as the #6 All-Time Welterweight; Nat ESPN ranked Armstrong as number 3 on their list of the 50 greatest boxers of all time. Armstrong lost weight in order to compete in the lower weight division, and beat World Lightweight Champion Lou Ambers by split decision. The Ring magazine named him Fighter of the Year in 1937. He met the minimum weight by upping his calorie intake, drinking beer the days before the bout and a lot of water on the day of weigh-in. Although Armstrong was outweighed by at least 15 pounds by Ross, he dominated their fight in Madison Square Garden, pounding the champion unmercifully for 11 rounds. [citation needed], In 1945, Armstrong retired from boxing. Henry lived in Norwich, Connecticut 06360, USA. For United States nationwide collections, go to the United States Online Genealogy Records page. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Henry Armstrong (1861 - 1870) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Armstrong was 25 years old with a record of 92-12-7 (60 KOs). During his years attending Vashon High School, Armstrong excelled, earning good grades and gaining the respect of his peers. After that marriage ended in divorce, Armstrong married a second time in 1960. By his last professional fight on February 14, 1945, Armstrong's boxing record stood at 151-22-10 (100 KO wins, 2 KO losses). He defeated Bobby Pacho at the Tropical Stadium in Havana, Cuba, in his fourth successful defence. "Henry Armstrong," Notable Black American Men, Gale Research, 1998. http://www.galenet.com(December 13, 2000). "Henry Armstrong the beginning to the end of every round; His goal was to knock his man //]]>. . Soon after his fight with Ambers, Armstrong, unable to meet the 126-pound limit, relinquished his featherweight title. Historian Bert Sugar also ranked Armstrong as the second-greatest fighter of all time. When Cox sold his contract on Armstrong to Wirt Ross in 1932 for $250, Armstrong entered the professional ranks to stay. "I was asked to do it, and he thanked me. He is currently ranked by BoxRec as the 12th-greatest pound-for-pound fighter of all time. Henry Armstrong (1912-1988) became the first boxer in history to hold world titles in three separate weight classes at the same time. Henry Armstrong's professional boxing career spanned more than 13 years from 1931 to 1945. existed; At the beginning, his performance was rather good but not Armstrong lost the fight via 10 round PTS. Armstrong won his most significant fight when he overcame alcoholism. There are 1 person related to this person in our records. He is currently ranked by BoxRec as the 12th greatest pound-for-pound fighter of all time. Armstrong defended the World Welterweight Championship a division record 19 times. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. He was the first boxer to hold three different titles simultaneously. Archie Moore was one of the most colorful and respected figures in the modern history of boxing. Deceased : October 22, 1988. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. sensational; However, when he hit stride Armstrong retired from professional boxing with a record of 151-22-10, which included 100 knockout wins and two losses via knockout, and three title wins. Featherweight, Lightweight, and Welterweight Champion of the World. Birth 10 December 1850 - Detroit City, . Star Info Other Info First, he knocked out featherweight champion Petey Sarron in the sixth round on Oct. 29, 1937. [citation needed], Later in 1938, Armstrong, still the Featherweight division world champion, challenged Barney Ross for the title. American boxer and television commentator. The 23-year-old boxer was raised in Pearl, but is from Columbus. Research our Records The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. When Armstrong was four years old, his father moved the family to St. Louis, where he and Armstrong's older brothers found work at the Independent Packing Company. Boxing as a featherweight, he gained quite a bit of experience from 1933 to 1935, fighting 46 times, mostly in California and Mexico. These 11 fights are the highlight of his career. This ended Armstrong's reign as Welterweight Champion. A victory would have given Armstrong a fourth divisional title at a time when there were only eight weight divisions.Armstrong defended the World Welterweight Championship a division record 19 times. He graduated as an honor student from Vashon High School in St. Louis Later he took the surname Armstrong as his fighting name.Armstrong began his professional career on July 28, 1931, in a fight with Al Iovino, in which Armstrong was knocked out in three rounds. Armstrong was a busy welterweight champion, successfully defending the title 19 times in less than three years. Encyclopedia of World Biography. edited by David L. Porter, Greenwood Press, 1995. . navathletescold.src = "/i/sportscentury/nav_athletes_cold.gif"; His father, also named Henry, was a mix of Indian, Irish and black blood.
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